Saturday, October 05, 2013

Sleeeepy Saturday

We had a sweet, slow Saturday.

That never happens! The sweet part, maybe, but slow? Never! This was due mainly to the fact that I couldn't sleep at all last night so I didn't have my normal level of enthusiasm and energy. The girls were content to draw pictures and practice origami while watching Shark Week reruns. I was happy because they were happy, and Katie practiced her new, terrifying, skill. Obviously there aren't any pictures of what happens after she gets fully situated on the chair because I cannot take a picture of her jumping on the chair and also keep her from breaking an arm. I'm not proud of it, but I popped her in her booster seat in the brown chair in the background) with a long series of snacks while I finished working on the signup thing for Carly's class that I needed to do.


After Katie's nap, we went to re-stock our art supply bin (super fun errand!) then pick up a few things at Wegman's. I love that we can walk from one store to the other! Anyway, we played outside for a little while then Paul took the girls to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2....from which they have just returned. So....I gotta go! See ya!

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