Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mommy Needs a Break!

Paul let me sleep in...but the girls had other plans! At 7:30 they came in, starving, and needed breakfast. It's not Paul's fault - my kids literally do not get hungry in the morning until they see me. =)

We're making alternate plans for today because Paul's workload for his upcoming job plus an errand he has to run for school have derailed our original plan of going down to Chancelorsville as a family.

The sun is shining beautifully and beckoning us outside, but I have to be honest with you, the gym and its childcare room is sounding really good to me right now. It's amazing how attractive the prospect of one waking hour with nobody asking for anything at all is. =)

We're still going to run at the track and walk in the woods, though. There won't be a Sport and Health on Emerald Isle, and there won't be a job for me to run away, to...I need to get used to being Mama again! Speaking of that...I know a couple of little monkeys who need their hair done. =)

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