Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Craziness and a K.I.R. moment

Hello, Internet!

We are having a difficult evening in our house. Bree won't stop crying - it is so sad. She doesn't have a fever, nothing hurts, I gave her Tylenol anyway, she has experienced every conceivable combination of dolls, blankets, pillows, songs, stories, rocking, tissues, kisses and sips of water I can come up with but she just doesn't want to settle down.

I'm going to pretend like there is no way she's feeling like this because she was at friend school for a really long time today. =(

The girls were super duper awesome this morning. We were easily out the door by 6 so each one of them could get to her respective school and I to my train on time to not sit in traffic all morning. The truth is, the travel time, cost and stress were probably a wash, when you take into consideration that it took a couple of hours to get home, I had additional childcare costs for Carly and the loooong day is equalling this terrible bedtime thing going on right now.

Anyway, the craziness had to do with this wacky History Channel show I had going in the background while I researched some stuff for a client, but it's off now.

And now for something completely different! I read somewhere, at some point in the past about how Mommy Bloggers can sometimes try oh so hard to make it out that everything is well within their control, that each incident was planned and they (or I, hello) do pretty much everything better than pretty much everyone. Well...I can definitely be guilty of that at times, so let me tell you that tonight we had hot dogs, frozen broccoli, frozen corn which is not even technically a vegetable, frozen blueberries (all defrosted of course) and cheesesticks for dinner. Now, of course, all of those things were organic and we 'only' had that meal so we'd have time for our weekly library trip before bedtime which is 'always' at 7pm no matter what....but that's real, right? Right???  =)

That's as real as it's getting tonight, folks! Now let me go calm the screeching toddler so I can get some sleep!

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