Thursday, March 03, 2011

Bleach Brain

As I'm sure you have heard, we had a visit from The Plague a couple of nights ago. It was horrible, Paul saved me from most of it, and it is over. The washing machine hates me and is refusing to spin, so I've been wringing out whatever items were unfortunate enough to end up on the bottom of the drum before putting them in the poor overworked dryer. Usually, I wouldn't be too heartbroken about a busted Washer McClean because I had been saving up to buy some new shiny front-loaders when we moved, but THAT savings account funded THIS computer. Which we love and can't imagine doing without...although a spin cycle would be nice...

We are visiting North Carolina this weekend. The girls and I are driving down after church on Sunday and will stay until late Monday afternoon, touring schools, looking at neighborhoods and seeing how far it really is to Topsail Island and Wilmington. Google maps and everyone I talk to can tell me what they have to say, but it's never real until it's experienced first-person. I have decided to have an overwhelmingly positive attitude about our move. It will likely not be realistic, but you will not hear "we will make it work" from me. I'm not going to have to do backflips to "make" it awesome, because it is green, there is a beach and Carly's school (whichever one we choose) will be a good one. We are going to enjoy the rest of our time near DC for all its worth and then will put that energy into enjoying our new home. Say what you will about the psychological nature of this plan, but don't say it to me. North Carolina is going to be great and we are looking forward to it. The end. =)

The girls are going to be baptized on Mother's Day. Please do not fall out of your chair. It took us a long time (um, 5.5 years) to come to this decision, but at the end of the day, I'm putting my money where my mouth is about what I want for our family and our kids' faith formation. I kept saying it doesn't matter where we go as long as we go together, but Protestant churches in their wide variations just weren't working for us as a family and the comfort and familiarity of the Catholic church (plus the fact that the one here is a beautiful and gracious community) felt right, right away. We decided that if we're going to do this thing we're doing it all the way, therefore, baptism. Sunday, May 8 at 8am with brunch to follow at our house. Please come visit us! Carly understands what it's about and Bree is mostly excited about her beautiful dress with the rows of rosettes on it.

Now I'm off to twist some towels and pick up my big girl from school. It's crazy how much I miss her when I'm at home and not running all over the DC area doing work stuff.

1 comment:

Kalyn said...

OMG!!!!! Without even knowing your plans to baptize..... Tommy has brought it up to me once again, and he wants to Baptize Paisley. :) I know this is so bad- but all I hear is "party" :) LOL....