Wednesday, March 09, 2011


No photos - again - sorry! You don't really want to see what went on in our house all last week, anyway. Gross - so much sickness.

Ohhhh you meant photos of the trip we took to North Carolina? Well...I sort of left the memory card at home. But we'll be there for three years, so you will have plenty of opportunities to see us having a snack at the one Starbucks in the town or playing on the pretty beach or hanigng out with the pine trees and the early spring blooms. The daffodils were up, which made me and Carly so very happy. Things are still quite brown here in Virginia and we were ready for some COLOR!

Actually, the cutest thing. When we crossed into North Carolina, Carly looked up from watching a movie and saw all the pine trees and said, "Oh! It's so much better than I thought! There is green here, Mama!"

So we stayed at the perfectly adequate hotel on base, then we went on to interview a bunch of schools and get a feel for the place. We started our day at Swansboro, where the principal gave us a personal tour. That was awesome and Carly loved it. Then we went to another highly-rated school in that area, the base school which was every bit as depressingly bad as I expected, the Catholic school (which was my last hope for being able live on base like we wanted) but sadly, it was terrible and then finally The School I Like (but won't name in case of crazies).

I walked into one of the first grade classrooms and saw that they are making papier mache globes to go with their current unit studying the movement of the continents and tectonic plates. There were etymology charts on the wall with different root words and little poster above the guinea pig cage with cool information like "This animal is mammal."

*cue Hallelujah chorus*

Paul is less than excited because people keep telling him that his commute will mean he'll have to leave home at 5am and won't return until 9pm, which everyone I'm talking to says is ridiculously exaggerated. I'm just doing what I always do in situations like this, which is to simply sit back and wait. There's no use putting forth my very valid reasons for staying with the current decision, because that would be a waste of energy. No leases are being signed today, and I know from experience that patience and openness (ie saying "that is definitely one way to go about it" a lot) usually end up with us making the right decision.

Do I need to define "right" as "whatever it is that I have been saying all along?" No? Okay. =)

In other news, we went to the Ash Wednesday service at church tonight and it was beautiful. We had to go to the latest one because Paul worked late, but the girls did wonderfully. Bree was a little confused about the ashes and kept putting her little worried face right up in mine and asking me if I bonked my head, hurt myself or "got some mud in it." It was so cute.

Now it's rainy and cold and I need to crawl in my cozy bed!

1 comment:

Our Family of Four said...

Glad you had a good trip and that you found a school you like. Actually, the school sounds AWESOME! Here's hoping "the one" in Paraguay is at least good... I'm not expecting awesome :o(