Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gingerbread House 2010

My little helper plus the GIANT ENORMOUS MESS that is my kitchen. The roof isn't dry - this is why it is propped up with canned fruit. =) Our house does look pretty cool though, right? I always forget that making a gingerbread house is a three day ordeal but I guess because it's completely worth it I just selectively forget all the millions of steps and cleaning. =) Also helps when my little elf tells me she wants to grow up to be a Mommy who loves making gingerbread houses every year. *tear*

Some up close details! Paul picked out all the decorations - Nerds for the roof, mint disks for the eaves, Twizzlers for the edges, Skittles for the windows, gumdrops like the lights on our big house,  mini candy canes and on the sides (hidden by canned fruit!!!) are some wafer cookies for shutters. God willing the roof doesn't fall off, we'll probably do some more decorating on the sides. Below see Carly's favorite part - the candy cane heart! =)

1 comment:

McCoyFamily said...

That is the biggest gingerbread house I have ever seen anyone make besides the bakers at Disneyland...But I wouldn't expect anything less from you, awesome job Liz and Carly!!!!!!