Tuesday, December 21, 2010



There is a reason that most working moms don't keep chatty, over-sharey blogs with bajillions of photos of their kids every other day doing the same five-to-ten fun activities with different perfectly coordinated outfits like stay home moms do. For REAL.

So I will break it down (Can you dance? Let's do it! Break it down. - DJ Lance, I'm ashamed to say):

1) I've worked 20 hours a week at my big fancy internship in DC for the last two weeks and it's a weird transition. The hardest part is not feeling like the kind of mama I like to be. The best parts are that I find this work to be so fun and also I'm digging the paycheck situation.

2) In two weeks we'll put Carly in the lottery for the magnet school near Camp LeJeune. It seems so crazy!

3) Paul shakes his feet in the periphery of my vision. It makes me a little homicidal.

4) I finally, finally, finally joined a local gym and I love and adore the kids' room. It's huuuuge and has a big indoor climbing gym and lots of open floor space. There are separated half-walled areas for little kids so they don't get knocked out by the playground balls that are always whizzing around everywhere. The two girls and I all leave the gym sweaty with our hair coming down - it's AWESOME!

I'm sorry - there is so much more but that's all I can think of right now. My brain is mush! =)

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