Sunday, October 17, 2010

Last night Paul and I went out to celebrate our 6th anniversary! It was supposed to be a night away in DC with a fancy dinner, but due to Carly's weird cough that never did actually turn into anything thank goodness, we went with Plan B. And Plan B was awesome.

I had training all day in Arlington, and Paul drove up to take me out to dinner at La Strada in Del Ray. It's a transitional neighborhood, so there are lots of great little shops on the street and a lot of the people dining with us walked over from their homes. I would love to live in a place like that, if only for the reason that I've never experienced what it would be like to not have to DRIVE everywhere.

I did live with my parents in a tiny town in Montana for about five months, but for three of those five months, the temps were below 20 degrees, so...not quite the same thing.

Anyway, for the first half of our meal, we were blessed with listening to the couple one table over going over their SCHEDULE for the next ten months. Literally. The guy sat there drinking a glass of wine while his wife went on and on and ON about their logistics, about who needs to go to piano, when gymnastics is over, which of the apparently endless supply of birthday parties he was going to be responsible for attending, etc. Their kids all have weird names that I've never heard before and honestly, I was trying NOT to listen, but she has a voice that carries well. Some might say shrill. My wine glass might have cracked a little.

Anyway, I'm making a formal request:

If I ever get so busy and uptight that I feel it necessary to carry around a little green notebook with sticky notes sticking out so that I can unleash it all on my unsuspecting husband over dinner, someone please shoot me. Actually I doubt it would get that far because there is simply no way Paul could handle that, and thank goodness! Who wants to be married to a noodle?

Ooh speaking of food (because we were,right? Right!), I got to go the farmer's market today. It is hands-down my favorite "chore." I love it. I keep trying to get my neighbor friends to go, but nobody will, so until I can coerce someone into, it's just me....well me and everyone else who knows that buying food directly from farmers is totally cool and awesome. Meet the haul:

From the left: Basil, some new cilantro-type herb, collard greens, a daikon radish I have idea how to actually prepare, broccoli, spinach, GORGEOUS heirloom tomatoes, roasted garlic goat cheese, lots of apples, fennel, mustard greens, bell peppers, a new kind of squash and zucchini. Not pictured here is the (pastured of COURSE), pork roast, chicken, ham steak and pork stew meat. It makes me wish dinner would be here NOW. =)

Close up of those amazing 'maters. I also picked up some roasted garlic goat cheese.
The weather is so beautiful today. I cannot wait for the girls to wake up (what?!) so we can go on our walk in the woods. After much crying and gnashing of teeth, Paul got control of the remote to the 'big' TV so he could watch the Eagles game, fell asleep within 5 minutes. The house is quiet, with the hum of a football game, the smell of yummy fall candles and the almost obnoxiously beautiful fall sunshine dancing in all the windows...could it be more perfect? I love this. =)

1 comment:

Kalyn said...

MMMMmmmmm.....Lovin those 'looms!!!! They look gorgeous! ;) The vista FM is incredible. When you move home, we'll go ever saturday morning together.