Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Stupid Global Warming

Carly is having a hard day.

She's been having a hard day pretty much since she woke up this morning, which was due to the thunderstorm last night which happened at a little past midnight, and seeing as how it's 10:15pm I've just now heard what I'm hoping are the last heartbreaking little sniffles coming from her room that means Carly's been having a hard day for almost the entire day. Like, military time, 24-hour clock day. Not where it goes from 12 to 12 and you sort of have two days in one day...the WHOLE DAY.

Because of this hard day she is sleeping in a new set of pajamas and sheets because her "mad" made her spill an entire glass of water an hour or so ago. She was mad because I was making her sleep in her own room and also because I wasn't giving her graham crackers which we don't currently have in the house. Also because she was hungry from not eating her dinner which she was not hungry for due to her breaking into the refrigerator and eating five lemon bars (not that I blame her, they're pretty awesome) after school because she was starving from not eating her lunch that she wasn't hungry for because she ate three servings of snack because she was starving after not eating her breakfast that she wasn't hungry for due to throwing five or six screaming fits this morning.

The fits were, on the surface, due to the fact that she used to know how to put on socks and NOW she DOESN'T and she doesn't know WHY and it's REALLY FRUSTRATING. Also because her toothpaste is still Tinkerbell and not Hannah Montana and it doesn't match her bandaids. Oh and also because it's not Christmas TODAY and Christmas Season takes TOO LONG.

But really the fits were because she got about zero sleep last night due to wanting to narrate all her dreams to me as they were happening...she'd come up out of REM, and it was like she thought, "Oh, hey! It's my mom! Perfect!!! Let's talk all about this crazy dream that makes no sense that I can't even remember but I'll just make random stuff up for twenty minutes. Fun!" She normally doesn't sleep with us (and to save my own life I cannot figure out how in the world my friends who have family beds ever get a decent night of sleep) but we had this rule - emphasis on the past tense here - that during thunder storms she could.

So we had thunder last night. Basically all of this is the thunder's fault. Which is due to the giant storm cell moving across the country. So there it is. Crazy weather is at fault. It's not us and our not-well-thought-out now-amended rules, it's carbon emissions and climate change. Either way, I'm hoping for some sunshine and rainbows in this house tomorrow. =)


Our Family of Four said...

WOW! I'm tired just reading all that! Hope today is better for you and Carly.

Sylvia - Mommy said...

That was a really really good post :) LOL So hysterical! (I'm sure it wasn't for you) but I love the way you describe her not being hungry due to, etc. :)

Steph said...

can't wait to see a picture of your highlights...ooooh, welcome to my world!!! :)

Maria said...

OMG--with the exception of the dream part--if you just changed the pronouns to be masculine, I would have thought you were describing Andy. So glad to know it's not just my child, but a phase. He tells me in the morning all the time that he doesn't know how to get dressed anymore. It drives me nuts! And the listening thing....[sigh]...
The boys aren't allowed to sleep with us, generally, but lately we've been letting the climb into bed in the morning when they wake up before our alarm...except this is biting me in the backside on the weekends!