Sunday, September 13, 2009

The computer!

There is something wrong with my computer and the internet - they are not getting along very well!

I have been trying for three days to upload the cutest video in the world of Bree walking (that's right!) and saying thank you (that's double right!)...but it just won't! So frustrating!

We also have a cute, cute, cute photo of me and my little Tiger Fans all decked out in our purple and gold. Paul and I laugh about being fake fans, which we totally are, but it's so fun! We only live 7.2 miles (precisely) from Death Valley, so it's written into our HOA agreement that we must tailgate, even if it's in our own house because it is pouring rain outside and half of our would-have-been-guests had the flu, and we must be appropriately dressed on gamedays. =)

Anyway, we're fine. So happy to have Paul home for a while! It's been lots of fun watching Bree stagger around like an extra in the baby version of Thriller and I can't wait to share some of that footage with you! I also got to provide the cupcakes for baby Elvis' baptism this morning. Are you so sick of cupcake pictures yet? No? SUPER! Just as soon as I fix the internet, which I'm pretty sure Paul and I have figured out how to break, we'll be back. =)

1 comment:

Steph said...

I can't wait to see the video...and I love that you guys are "fake" fans!! I think being fans of something (even if it is 'fake') is always the best time!! :)

Oh - and I was reading your side bar...I WAS THERE during the cheering on 9/10!! :)