Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cure for Cabin Fever

I'm waiting for Bree to finish getting dressed and we are headed OUT. Yesterday was such a great reminder of all the things I like best about being a mom of small-to-medium-sized children. Snacks at the park, water bottles, running all around, starving kids at dinner and kids who actually NEED a bath because they are filthy from playing like wild animals all day long.

Does anyone else feel that way? I know it's not spring, and I know we will probably have a few more yucky days of gross, depressing weather, but for NOW, I'm just going to choose to ignore that fact. We're stocking up on park snacks (z-bars, those twisty fruit things, cheese sticks, Koala granola bars, etc) and getting the heck out of the house for as many hours per day as possible while we can. I'm hoping that all this activity will help us with staying healthy and will help distract my poor Bree from the fact that someone (me) stole all her Barbie books and replaced them with Caldecott books...

...which, btw, we already owned but she never read because Barbie books require no work on her part. She's not a fan of the change, but she'll come around.

Okay! We are READY! What are your plans for the day?

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