Monday, November 29, 2010

Why My Hairdresser Loves Me

Because my youngest is bound and determined to turn ALL my hair gray. TODAY, she dumped out an entire box of cocoa...ALL over the floor...while I was in the restroom. Do you see the sponge? I guess maybe she was planning to clean up afterward???
This is actually a cool photo...but yeah, my table. Covered in chocolate.
The damage. The upside to all of this is that there were a few dark spots that wouldn't come up with the vacuum which is helping us to finally pull the trigger on getting that carpet shampooer. But yeah. Gray hair. "But LIZ," you might say, "WHY could she REACH the cocoa in the first place??? Why didn't you put it out of her reach?"
I DID....she's just smarter than I am. This is something I've known for a while, but today was just confirmation of that fact. I also lost a good six months off the end of my life when I noticed just HOW close to the edge of the chair that one little pink stool leg is. Goodness gracious!!!


McCoyFamily said...

At first I thought u went to the moon that chocolate looks like the moon surface:0 That copy cat idea is amazing your so creative I'm sure it will be fabulous!!!!

Sylvia - Mommy said...

OMG what a funny girl!!! She's so cute though, so I'm sure when she greets you with the little bent halo she can't possibly get in trouble :)

I have the feeling Jocelyn will be like this. She's a little busy body so I may come crying to you in a couple years. lol

Unknown said...

Very funny!

Kalyn said...

hahahaha.... OH MY!!!!!!