Thursday, October 07, 2010

Friday Fill-It In!

Once again from the Sailor's Wife website...

  1. What is the longest road trip you’ve ever taken? Camp Pendleton to New Orleans! I have all my fingers and toes crossed that next summer I can change that answer to say Quantico to Camp Pendleton!!
  2. Do you collect anything? Tell us a bit about it. Not really! Is that weird? We do pick up one trinket from each duty station, and I have a fabulous collection of friends I would love to show you one day if we're ever all in the same place.
  3. What is your favorite part about being an adult? This question is funny. I think my favorite thing would be that there are a lot fewer people who can boss me around. I mean, they can TRY but I'm a grownup and technically, most of the time, I can just do what I want.
  4. What song brings a tear to your eye? Sh'Daisy Come Home Soon. I mean, really. Sometimes You Are My Sunshine gets me, too, because that was Carly's favorite song when she was little, and I'm sure Twinkle Twinkle Little Star will get me when Bree is older and not demanding to hear it every three seconds.
  5. Describe your first plane ride (how old you were, where you were heading, etc). Um..I was an infant moving to England with my parents (we lived there 6 months, and all I know about our time there was that I had a nanny who ate a loaf a bread a day and gained a bunch of weight). All I know about that plane ride was that I screamed the whole time and blessed my mother's white pants with every bodily fluid other than blood that you can think of. So I'm sure it was GREAT FUN. =)

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