Friday, July 09, 2010


Wouldn't ya know, the second I start writing about plans, there was some talk about maybe shifting our timetable. I'm just glad somebody told me about it beforehand...and anyway I'm not really needing to do anything that requires me to be here or there until we move in. =) that some point, I'm going to take Carly to see Despicable Me. Can't wait! Also, at some point, I'm going to take Carly to see Cleopatra at the Franklin Institute. At some point, the girls and I are going to make a few trips to DC to see the zoo and a few of the museums. We're going to ride the train from Quantico. It's going to be so fun!

We've been running around taking care of details today. We picked up the registration for Carly's school, got our cars weighed, emissions tested and registered, Paul's going to the DMV to get his two year old license plate renewed, did a bunch of laundry, etc etc. Oh and I got up at 3:45 to get my behind kicked at spin class. It felt SO GOOD.

Now Bree and I are watching the Next Great ARtist on Bravo while Cary sleeps. I just blew the fuse in my mini kitchen when I plugged in the coffeepot (what? I was up at 3:45!) and we're waiting for Paul to get back so I can go get our clothes from downstairs and he can take Carly fimmin while I cook dinner. Good times, good times. =)

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