Monday, June 28, 2010

These Things Happened Today:

1) We had yummy coffee, jo-geet (yogurt) and pastries with our Hoffman friends while the kids tried to dismantle the store. =)

2) I got my car weighed and got yelled at by a scary lady trucker in biker boots and a flannel shirt because I didn't move my car fast enough.

3) The movers arrived and began packing at's 9pm and they're still there...

4) The girls and I packed everything I could think of that we might possibly need for a month into the back of my car and headed to Welsh.

5) Carly got casting lessons with her new super awesome Barbie fishing rod. It has a pink plastic butterfly practice lure that she LOVES. She got really good!

6) Then she tried to pick up grouchy old Max by his front legs and he bit her upper lip. Don't tell Paul because he will kill that dog. Carly's lip is fine. He wasn't trying to hurt her, just to get her to stop assaulting him, already. Weenie dogs don't like to dance.

7) Bree ate her body weight in salmon salad and cucumbers at dinner and went straight to sleep after her bath. Carly ate one slice of cucumber and one piece of bread and I got called a mean mom because I didn't let her have ice cream. I'm pretty sure that was meant as a compliment, and, whether or not it was, I took it as such. =)

8) Paul is loving everything boxed up and neat in our house. He's filled all the nail holes and is touching up all the paint in the house. It's what he's good at - making things look perfect. He's great at getting things ready to go, and I'm better at setting everything up in our new house. It works for us. ;)

9) That's all. I gotta go sleep!

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