Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Carly's Birthday Cake 2.0

It's Carly's birthday!

So far she's celebrated by going fishing with Poppy and picking out the cake she wanted to have after dinner.

We drove the two hundred yards down the road (it's raining) and bought some worms for her fishing expedition and then went to the Market Basket grocery store to pick up the ingredients for her cake. My plan was to do the same cake her cousin Joey had for his birthday: "real" yellow cake (aka, not from a box) with vanilla pudding and bananas between the layers with chocolate icing. That sounded awesome and I was fully prepared to pick up all the butter, cake flour, cocoa, etc., I would need to create this masterpiece.

Well, that was Carly's plan, too, right up until the moment she saw the pink polka dot cake mix. Cherry Chip, it's called. Raise your hand if you remember that pink cough-syrup icing we had at the spraypark last year. So it's like THAT, just in cake form. She goes, "Please Mommy can we change the plan and I can have this cake with the pink dots?" It's her birthday, so I said yes of course. We got some canned cherries to chop up and mix in there. Then she saw the bright, unnaturally yellow lemon icing and since I was already the mayor of fakeville with that box, I said why not? I have to just say right here that chocolate and vanilla box cakes taste the most like a real cake. It's when you start fooling around with fruit or spices that things get dicey.

So we chop up the cherries and put them in the batter. Carly fell in love with Granny's flower pan that makes the top of the cake look like a rose. What I didn't know was that chopped up cherries sink in cake batter, so now the top of the rose is mostly cherries. I'm hoping to fix it up with some nice thinned icing? So maybe? We'll see. So far, it's falling in the category of things that are So Bad They're Awesome. =)

My dad has the camera right now on their fishing expedition, and I'll be sure to post some pictures of my baking skillz when they get back. =)

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