Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Eye of the Hurricane

My house is exactly 40% packed. Luckily, I still have my kitchen. It would have been nice to know that before I buried my bed in everything I thought I would need for a month, though! But, I'd rather have what I don't need, than to not have what I need. Goodness knows THAT happens enough in my life. Like this morning when I got pulled over for driving too fast and then realized that I didn't have my driver's license or a current insurance card and my inspection sticker is out of date. That would have been very close to $300 in extra fines that I didn't get charged because the officer who pulled me over just so happens to have a brother in the Marine Corps. =)

So back to the stuff in my bedroom: the good Lord above is the only one who can be credited with Paul's living through the moment when he (Paul) said to me, "Wow, look what I packed (indicating the one single suitcase he packed for HIMSELF) and look what YOU packed (with his arm sweeping over the giant mountain of things on our bed that I had prepared for the party, for two children's health, cleanliness and entertainment on a 7-stop, 4-week road trip, house cleaning supplies and oh yeah, a suitcase for myself)." I'm pretty sure my jaw actually fell open at that moment. Don't even ask it because yes he was serious and no I am not kidding you.

What saved him - other than the grace of God - was that I saw the binder he'd prepared for our trip. It has our itinterary, maps, hotel and activity information, housing information and check-in checklist...with each sheet in a protective plastic sleeve. That was just so cute, I couldn't kill him on the spot. He's lucky I have a weakness for office products. =)

Tomorrow is the big party! Carly's excited, I'm excited. It should be totally fun! Then packing and more packing and then we're outtie 5! It's hard to believe that we're for real, actually leaving...that's always a little weird. =)

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