Saturday, May 22, 2010

T-Ball Party

Carly did so AWESOME at her game! She hit past second base one time (helped that the other team had no idea what was going on...) and she fielded three balls and stopped another one with her knees. I didn't get photos because you've seen enough photos of T-ball for one year I think. =) You're welcome.
Then we all went over to Chuck E. Cheese for the afterparty. I hate that place. But Carly had a GREAT time running around whacking things with big mallets and shooting water guns at targets. She still doesn't quite get skeeball, but we'll get there. There were four birthday parties going on at the same time and three or four other t-ball teams there at the same time we were so the chaos was unbelievable. Paul called me at one point and he had to get off the phone because the noise was making him crazy. I was like, try BEING HERE, dude. Anyway, it's my new life goal to never go to CEC again. I know that there must be some parents out there who bring their kids here just for fun, and all I can think of is that those people must be far better and less selfish parents than I. Seriously. I'm still all stressed out from the hour we were there.

Bree liked the bee game. She didn't really know what to do but she liked moving the little handle around.

And the poor thing! She was so confused because I told her we were going to play...she kept looking for something to play on (she didn't see the climbing tunnel on the ceiling), so she just adopted this broken school bus ride and climbed around in it for ten minutes.

After we made our escape, we went to Jason's Deli for lunch. Why didn't we eat at Chuck E Cheese? Because! Ew! =) Haha, anyway, here's Carly with the medal she got for her great work on her t-ball team.

And Bree...finishing all the beans, potatoes and pasta out of my soup. This is after she ate her grilled cheese sandwich, the rest of Carly's quesadilla and all their fruit. When we were walking up to the restaurant, she started kicking her legs and clapping and she was saying "EAT! EAT!" This girl!

Super silly ice cream face

Times two!


Steph said...

Chuck E. Cheese is a bit much...but i'm glad you guys had fun there with Carly's teammates!!! :)

Brooke said...

Now you know why I resisted SO MUCH having C's 5th b'day party there. We had it VERY early on a Saturday morning, before the masses came & when it was at its cleanest. That place overstimulates me! :-) Now, J wants to have a party at "ChunkNCheese". Yay! :-(