Friday, May 21, 2010

Blackberry Picking!!!

Have I ever told you how much we love our Adventure Friends? I'd never know it because we don't ever get to hang out during the school year. This was mostly because Carly was in school full time and Courtney works out (literally, I'm not even kidding) more than any human being I know except a certain Mrs. DC. But now it's summer and the adventures are ON!

Miss Courtney was showing Carly which blackberries were good to pick, and how to walk through the bushes - hands UP!

Very few of the berries Carly picked actually made it into the bucket...

And once Bree figured out where those new byu-byus came from, it was over. I eventually had to pick her up and carry her back to the picnic structure.

Look at those CHEEKS! She had about eight blackberries in her mouth at this point.

To answer your question: no, I can't imagine anything cuter. =)


Mommy3 said...

Oh I love that last picture! So cute.

Steph said...

too bad all of Mrs. DC's working out doesn't really show right! :(

and i know i tell you this constantly, but i can't wait to meet Bree and to get to know Carly...your girls are so stinkin' adorable and seem to be sooo much darn fun....hope they can teach Kenzie the ropes!!