Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rural Life Museum

I have been missing our big adventures, so this afternoon when I picked Carly up from school, we went to LSU's Rural Life Museum and y'all. If I had known how beautiful this place is, I would have been subjecting you to these photos for the last year.
Half of the grounds are an amazing lush wonderful garden...exactly the opposite of what is going on in my yard, so it was awesome to be around healthy growing plants for a while...and the other half is made up of several actual buildings from around Louisiana that are all between 130 and 200 years old. There are slave quarters, a smokehouse, a church, a post office and several other buildings as well as the museum at the entrance with a large collection of antique carriages. We'll definitely be coming back for Harvest Days in a couple of weeks.
And now for a series of photos of Carly standing by beautiful things:
A brass bell from 1842.
Trying to push the stroller toward one of the several slave cabins on display.
In the church
On some old library columns
Sweet sisters!
Love, love, love this garden shed!
Soooo beautiful!
Where's Carly??? The elephant ears ate her!!!
Yeah, thanks to the museum director for my nightmares for the next two weeks! Eyeless doll heads?? Yikes!

1 comment:

Steph said...

okay - the dolls are super creepy!!!

everything else is super awesome!