Monday, July 13, 2009

Little Apples

No one ever accuses me of being boring...and I'm pretty sure the girls have picked up that particular skill from their mom.
Exhibit A: Carly on our last night in Portland. She acted like a monster for four hours, never breaking character. Here she is trying to attack my Uncle Steve.
Then, this morning, we were supposed to meet a playgroup at the park, but they changed the location. It ended up being fine because the weather was surprisingly bearable. It was in the mid-eighties with a nice breeze and a good cloud cover. There is a big temperature difference when the sun is out...we had a really good time. I did have to fuss at this daycamp kid for climbing over Carly on his way UP the slide, and then got yelled at myself by his counselor, but whatever. She had twenty-five kids to watch, it was hardly her fault that that particular little heathen escaped her sight.
Carly enjoyed hanging upside down more than going on the slide today, anyway. She probably spent ten minutes just sitting up and leaning back.
Bree...with the faces. She's such a funny girl! Here she is giving some wild kid the stinkeye for screaming.
Then she was watching Carly climbing on stuff.
I love this photo because my BIG girl made it all the way to the top, two weeks after she turned four, but her face looks just like her toddler pictures. Even with those long skinny legs, she's still my baby. =)


Steph said...

i love Bree's stink is pretty stinkin' cute! :)

Grace {Formerly Gracie} said...

Certainly no boring kiddos here :-)