Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hi! =)

My name is Bree and I'm eleven months (and two days) old.
This is my crazy baby's when I'm so happy I can't smile hard enough. OR when Lala (that's my name for Carly) is making pirate noises and I'm making them right back, OR when there is food anywhere, OR when Mama comes to get me from my naps OR when I'm about to wreak some serious havoc. Basically, my life is awesome and I this is how I show it. Drool and all.
So, since I have so many adventures waiting for me, I am busy busy busy. It is important to me to know what is happening everywhere in the house at any given moment. Especially if there might be food involved.
Because I. LOVE. FOOD. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that I won't eat. This makes the big people very happy and I especially enjoy the things that are squishy and I can rub in my hair. Here, I am multi-tasking, showing you how big I am (the answer is SO BIG, hello) and exploring sweet potatoes as a potential styling product option.
Also, I love and adore peas. I will actually eat pretty much anything you put in front of me, but my favorites are: peas, eggs, pbj sammies, bananas, avocados, beans of any kind, tofu, pasta and cheese. Oh, and Goldfish Grahams. Lala doesn't like them so much, which suits my purposes just fine, because as long as we can keep them hidden from The Giant, the Goldfish Grahams are MINE.
So, I like books. I really like the ones you can touch and feel different stuff.
I also like this toy. Mama says it was hers when she was a baby, which means it's vintage. Not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's awesome. One day I'm going to get these little things off of here so I can eat them.
I also enjoy helping Mama make the bed. I help by crawling really fast toward an edge and then falling on my side and laughing hysterically as she dives across the room to keep me from flying off the edge of the bed. It's so funny!
My newest hobby is helping Daddy play Go Fish with Lala. Don't tell him I told you this, but I really don't think he's very good at the game because Lala always wins. I'm just trying to help him out.
Seriously. Havoc. It is imminent.
Mama was making her bed so she had the blanket hanging off the end. It made standing up a bit more of a challenge, but I was determined. Just yesterday I figured out how to pull up on the smooth side of the dishwasher door. I like moving between the pieces of the furniture in the living room and taking steps while holding onto Mama and Daddy's hands.
Listen, I'd love to stay and chat all day...but I've got people to see, things to take apart. I've wave goodbye, but so far, all I can say is "HI" with a cute Southern accent that sounds more like "HAH" and I wouldn't want to confuse next month*
*Who are we kidding. How well do you know my mom? If she goes two days without subjecting you people to photos and stories about us I'm pretty sure she would die. So...until, like Tuesday or something. Hasta!*


Morgan said...

that picture of her doing 'jazz hands' might be the cutest thing ever.

Kim said...

Ok, so she is THE CUTEST...seriously! I have already started working on her first b-day present - OMG - can she REALLY be truning ONE SOON?!?!

Our Family of Four said...

What can I say... I LOVE HER. And I really can't believe you wouldn't let me put her in my suitcase!

Kalyn said...

OMG!!! That photo of her sitting on the white blanket. OMG! She is seriously the most beautiful little thing ever!!!!! I miss her SOOOOOO much. When are we going to see each other next??? We need to put something in the works, even if it is next year, I need to look forward to something!!!!!

Maria said...

so super cute!!! love it!
and glad to know we're vintage--not antiques!