Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mardi Gras in Youngsville

My cousin Claire and her husband Shawn were in the local parade in Youngsville, so we went up to see them. It was so fun! The weather was perfect and the girls had such a great time.
A borrowed crown - but Carly said she's still a princess even if it's not her crown. =)
Uncle Dennis remembered Carly loved these puffs when we were in Montana a year and a half ago...I used to call them baby crack because little kids LOVE it so much. Sadly for me, Carly hears - and repeats - every single thing I say, so we can't call it what it truly is any more. They're just puffs. And Bree likes them!
Two peas in a pod
Bree spent much of her day being loved on by Aunt Sarah. Here, Auntie SaySay is trying so hard to get Bree to look up, but my baby girl had her eye on a pile of beads.
With Lily!
And Carly spent much of her day hanging out with Uncle he's picking her up in her bead bag so she can touch the edge of the tent. Everyone needs and Uncle Dennis. =)
See the tiger in flight?
Success! This little guy hasn't left Carly sight.
Here's Kirsten with sweet baby Gretchen (two weeks old!) and her Mardi Gras hat. =)
Claire giving Carly some fancy beads!
Best seat in the house for the three block walk back to Claire's house. See the baby c***?
This video is so funny! This is the difference between a three year old who has lived in Louisiana all her life, and a three year old who has spent most of her live in SoCal....and a wimpy mommy! Watch the'll see. In my defense, I WAS holding Bree.

One tough crawdaddy
Leah just throws the crawfish in there.
And, there's my girl with the tongs. =)
The crawfish boil was SO much fun! Paul left our house at 6am in order to get done with his stuff in time to make it to the parade at 1pm...well...he got to the crawfish boil at around 6pm. Gotta love recruiting duty. =)
The awesome, it is too much.


Brooke said...

The video is HILARIOUS, Liz! I was cringing for you, and I grew up on the Gulf Coast. I love seeing your sweet fam in action! :-)

Brooke said...

The video is HILARIOUS, Liz! I was cringing for you, and I grew up in south Mississippi & Louisiana! Yikes! Love seeing your beautiful, sweet fam in action!