Monday, March 24, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, I came to the realization that the only way a little girl in Louisiana knows that her Mama loves her is if she has a collection of GIGANTIC bows that are at least half the size of her head. So, since we're trying to avoid long-term psychological damage in our eldest, I started looking around online and in the little children's stores for some of these things...but since I could easily spend all of Paul's paycheck decorating my child's head, and we do still want to eat on a regular basis, I decided to try and make some.
And I think it went pretty well! This is the basic bow. It is approximately four inches wide. =)
And this was the first one I made! It took about half an hour and it was so, so easy! This is the only one that uses glue at all, because of the layers. The fact I sewed the rest of them together, of course, means that I love Carly more than if I hotglued all of her bows together.
Up close. And totally off-center...oops!
This one is my favorite so far! I'm still trying to figure out how the pros get them to go with all the ribbons sticking out everywhere, but this masterpiece sticks up from her head a good two inches, so I think we're good.
I love this shirt! With half a cookie AND an Easter egg full of candy corn. Awesome.


Kalyn said...

AH-HEM.... I will be expecting a few of those in the mail some time soon. Let's call it an even exchange for all those photos!!! :)


you know my style- I mean, Paisley's :)

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness. And I though these were just in the 80s. I had no idea they were still a Southern thang. If you buy liquid starch and wet the ribbons then roll them around a pencil, you will have curly squirly ribbons to stick out everywhere. Remember these? My, my.

Steph said...

OH MY GOSH...those are so cute! Carly needs to be a cheerleader - that way you can be #1 cheerleading mom and make the whole squad their bows!!! Remember, with cheerleaders, the bigger the better!!! HA!!! If I was still coaching I think I would employ you to make my team their game and competition bows!! You did a great job!!! GGGOOOO LIZ!!! HA!

S+S Kline said...

Omigosh!! How adorable are those! I just HAVE to know how you made them! I would never have been able to tell that you made them yourself. Of course, you obviously have artistic ability, something I definitely do not possess, but I'd certainly be willing to give it a try if I could save some money. Plus, I so want to see my little girl in big bows one day. :)

ADB said...

Look at you! You are a bow makin' pro!!

Our Family of Four said...

Those ARE super cute. You're gonna have to print bow directions!

Judy said...

You are putting my bow lady at the farmer's market to SHAME!