Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Central Market!!!

As almost everyone knows, I LOVE Central Market!!! I took a million photos, but some very nice guy came up to me and made me delete them! Jerks. I did get to keep some of the photos, and if you look really hard, you can kind of see what my obsession is all about.
Carly checking out the squash and wondering why it's almost 3x more expensive than the commissary.
This isn't a good shot of my girls, but if you look behind them...yes, that is just a tiny bit of the amazing produce department. Really, you would not believe it. I can name two or three people who might just want to move in there. They have five different kinds of bananas!
The fun bath and body department. Carly carried this little dog around for the rest of our visit and almost walked out with it, until Amanda remembered that we didn't pay for it.
One last photo of the girls before we ran off to the airport after we enjoyed some yummy scones and muffins...freshly baked at the bakery which I would have SHOWN you had that guy not made me delete the photo. Jerks.


Amy D. said...

all 4 of us are complimentarily (is that a word) dressed in that last picture, even though we weren't trying....i love that picture!

Amy D. said...

it is also evident from the last picture that you drank the least on saturday night...you are glowing and adb and i definitely could have used a rejuvinating eye mask or something---

sorry for dual commentage but i keep re-reading your blog lately because i want to re-live the weekend.

I'm so glad we got to go to CM. But you are right. Jerks. LOL.