Wednesday, December 31, 2014

From the Rest of November...ish

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to not be so awful about updating our lil bloggy.

Okay, so we got back from Jamaica and that was great! Then we jumped right into our normal active life and that is also quite fabulous. I love, love, love, loooooove being a Girl Scout leader. It's SO FUN. We get to do all the fun things, the girls learn a TON of cool stuff, and I think my girls grow so much interacting with other kids and learning from them. This was an event at the Camden Children's Garden...such a pretty day (but chilly!) and usual...had a blast.

My failed attempt at Christmas card photos, but aren't these crazy monkeys adorable?

 Boosterthon run to the left, cool make your own art challenge at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on the right. So rad. I love living here.

 Daddy bought donuts and wouldn't let her have all of them! Sad Katie!

Then yet another adventure with Girl Scouts - this time up to Princeton where the Society of Women Engineers led a flower workshop. OMG SO COOL. Those girls are wicked smart and talked to our girls like adults...loved it.

Early release playdate! Sad - we played in the sand and our young friend got her suede boots a little messy. The mom said it wasn't a big deal, buuuuut we haven't heard from her since, so maybe it was a little bit of a big deal. We were playing for THREE HOURS, though, so...anyway. Kids had a blast. See Katie! She's getting so big! 

TOO big! Sneaking energy bites!

Oh hey! This is the first week of December! They had Harry Potter night at the Pop Shop. The girls got to do a scavenger hunt for snitches then we ate loads of unhealthy food and all had stomachaches. Fun times! =)


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