Friday, May 21, 2010

Earlier This Week

This week has been so crazy. Monday started Carly's swim lessons - this is the sign they post outside the pool! Carly took Level 2 last year, so this year we signed her up for Level 3...but with her newfound timidness, she wasn't quite ready for Level 3. We're sending her for two sessions this year, so hopefully she can get a firm enough foundation that she won't feel so scared in the water.

This is Carly's swim friend, Emma (far left). They became friends in literally five seconds. Carly walked over there and smiled at Emma, Emma smiled back and bounced the ball to her and bam! That was it! They are really sweet and let Bree play, too.

Monday after swimming we went to t-ball practice. After swimming Thursday, we went straight to ballet, but I have no cute photos of Bree from then. =)

She goes WHOA and bent down to look at a ladybug crawling in the grass.

Then....she decided to take a stroll around the bases.

Planting St. Joseph. He's a little overworked in our neighborhood where there are 14 houses for sale, and only one has gone under contract - not even closed - since April 29. St. Joseph is also supposed to help protect property, so I'm planning to keep him planted in the yard for when our renters move in so that they will take care of our house and it won't get blown away by a hurricane.

Normally I try to contain Carly's enthusiastic hair....but when she walked out of the bathroom so proud of herself for doing her own hair...and it was this awesome...there was just no way I was going to take it all down. It's kind of a weird photo of her...but her hair is so sweet. =)

Nail design by Carly. She's been rocking this pattern for a week and she wanted me to do it, too. Sadly, it started wearing off when I was doing the dishes so I had to remove it, but Carly thought it was super awesome that her mom had the same nail polish as she did. I know THAT will probably never happen again after she turns 7 or 8, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts. =)

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