Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

We went to Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dennis' house and had a great time! Here is what we brought:
Okay, first, roast up an eggplant, a few zucchinis, a red onion and four or five bell peppers. Start with a layer of roasted eggplant, topped with fresh basil, parsley oregano, chopped garlic and some sliced black olives. Sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper (and salt if you aren't a Friend of Grok).

Then add a layer of peeled roasted bell peppers and top as above. The recipe called for drizzling olive oil but I found that the oil used for roasting was MORE than enough. =)

Then add a layer of roasted zucchinis and red onions, top with the same mixture as above, cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. Serve at room temperature. Yum!

Carrot souffle! It actually tastes exactly like really good sweet potato casserole. Stay tuned for the caveman know, WITHOUT the two sticks of butter and two cups of sugar...later this week I think. Carly did the pecans - isn't it sweet?

The Easter Bunny made a visit to our house this morning! His very tall helper must have missed a couple of little girls very much this week because instead of the inexpensive doll stroller that was on his list, he came home with this much cooler doll stroller...

...and this very cool scooter. A scooter! I know, but she loves it.

Carly, arranging her specially dyed eggs while Paul and Bree wait in Aunt Sarah's kitchen. That room has so much light! I love it!

Carly was so awesome during the egg hunt. She was ALL business and kept trying to hurry Bree along. At one point, she gathered up three yellow eggs (the yellow ones were Bree's) and came running over to give them to Bree one by one to put in her own basket.

She was so sleepy, but there were just too many fun things happening. This twenty-second snuggle stop with Daddy took the place of an afternoon nap.

Chillin' with Grandma Bing. (Uncle Dennis' amazing mom)


Steph said...

i love the girls in their matching dresses - so pretty! :)

Sylvia - Mommy said...

Seriously, seeing all your pictures and reading all your stories about the girls really makes me excited about having one!!!!!!