Sunday, July 05, 2009

Friday - Edgefield and the Dance Party

We needed a break from the hotel breakfast, so I took the girls down the road to a snobby coffee shop and let Carly have this giant apple turnover that was about the size of her head. She loved it.

This place started out as a sanitarium, then it was a poor farm during the Depression, now it's a B&B with beautiful gardens and artisan shops in all the buildings.

Bree came with us, while Carly spent the day at 'the farm' aka Auntie Barbara's house. I'll have my mom's photos from Carly's adventures later.
Yes, she is standing! She's also not happy with me for pulling my hand away...even though when she does it on her own she gets so excited she falls over. =)

Everything on the inside of the main building (now the B&B) was painted in a mural....there were some amazing things!

This one was one of my favorites....see how the water runs off the wall and down? It doesn't show, but it's puddling on the baseboards.

This is the coolest arbor - made out of plumbing pipes! You can see it in the background - and on each of the sides there are different succulents planted in each little cup.

One of the artisans is a glass blower - it was amazing to watch him working!

Little Miss Sassypants swinging on the stand-up swing.

Bree and Lucas! Every time he saw her, he'd say "Beh-beh" in this deep voice. It was so funny! He's fourteen months old, and my cousin Andy's son.

Dancing with Poppy. She was tapping her little feet up and down to the music.

This video is a little shaky...but what a fun time!


Our Family of Four said...

My fav part is how Bree is just hanging out on somebodies shoulder dancing but EVERY time she sees you her face lights up. So sweet. Your family looks like fun :o)

Kalyn said...

your family looks fun! ;) I wish I knew who was who! ;)