Sunday, May 24, 2009

Windy the Pooh and Other Stuff

This is Bree's sad face. She's made it since the day she was born, but now it's usually just when she's actually pouting. This one was because there was only water - and no juice - in her sippy cup. =)
They held a 'parade' in the playroom! Carly gave Bree a maraca and she was playing her little chime piano! Please notice the big pillow Carly put up to guard herself from Bree getting anywhere near the booboos.
After naps we went to see Windy the Pooh at Barnes and Noble and some of our friends came with us! I was happy because Carly didn't call him out for being in a costume.
Carly, Brianna and Ruby reading after the meet-n-greet.
Last night, Carly passed OUT after her bath. We had to clean and re-bandage the injuries, so I think all of the screaming and thrashing around she did just wore her out. Poor baby. She's much better now, though!


Mommy3 said...

Your Carly reminds me of Isabel when she gets any type of boo-boo. She's been limping around all day bc she skinned her knee outside today..and um, it barely even bled. Luke, on the other hand, totally got a bad one on his knee the other day, bled pretty bad, and he barely flinched as he got himself up, poked at it, and then kept on going. Girls are drama I'm thinking! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Who's more tired? Baby or Daddy? Poor things! Remind me to tell Carly about the spill I took at Yellowstone in front of a WHOLE line of cars and a grizzly bear. Yikes!