Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Year In Review: Take 2

I can't believe it's already been a year - it seems like not that long ago at all I was sitting down to do a review of Carly's first year...when we took this picture on the Tamarack Beach with our new (at the time) friends, Kalyn and Paisley. It's amazing to see how much our little girl has changed!
At thirteen months, she took her first steps.
A fourteen months...she's such a funny girl!
Playing with Daddy's basketball at fifteen months.
AWESOME! Sixteen months and so tough!
At seventeen months, Carly took her first trip to the zoo. What a pretty girl!
An early Christmas with Daddy - he taught her how to shoot the basket!
Playing in the park behind our house - twenty months.
Just on the other side of twenty-one months, hanging out at Uncle Matty's baseball game.
Easter at twenty-two months. We spent some time with Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop during the spring while Daddy is away.
Jumpy, Jumpy! Twenty-three months!
Happy birthday, sweetheart. We love you so much and we're so proud of the sweet and loving, rough and tumble little girl you're growing up to be! I can't believe YOU'RE TWO!!!


Brandi said...

Happy Birthday Carly! Sounds like you had a great party. Sorry we couldn't be there. You have such a great mommy, daddy, family & friends. You are a very lucky girl! Hugs from Ryan.

Kalyn said...

ok. I'm crying.

Kalyn said...

I can't get over how her B-day photo and the 23 month one looks SOOO different!!! WOW...