Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bye-Bye Bunny

The Game Wardens came out today and took the bunny away.
At first, he was under my couch! Then, when they lifted it up, he ran up into the bed part. But then he came out...
And ran up the stairs!!!
They found him in Carly's closet and he was so scared! Then, they went to put him over the fence and all of my OTHER little creatures (aka Carly, JJ, Marina and Andy) escaped and my poor neighbor Holly who probably thinks I am the world's worst parent ever, had to rescue Carly...Carly told her "Mommy sick!" and there were men in uniform running all over the was crazy.
Anyway, the little bunny came right back in the fence and took off toward the houses. He bounced right off my neighbors sliding door and got BACK into my house because of course none of us thought to shut the door. I guess he likes it here...but he can't stay, sadly. So he's going to go home to his bunny mama.


Kalyn said...

WHAT THE..... I though you were TOTALLY joking when you said the Game people came :) I was laughing SO hard at those photos... now THIS is what Bloggin is all about! ;)

Maria said...

Tell Peter Rabbit he needs to go home to Flopsy, Mopsy, and Little Cottontail! One little bunny sitting behind the couch, he ran into the sliding glass door and bumped his head. Now there are no more bunnies sitting on the couch.

Brandi said...

Ok, I seriously thought the "dust bunny" was a joke. That is hilarious.

Amy D. said...

why don't you have a link on this blog to wft blog? just curious. i always have to click on your profile to get to wft.